Jupiter Conjuncts Chiron & Vesta 14° Aries

We are going through a wave of healing right now.

Around me, I am witnessing others falling more in love with themselves and initiating/pioneering or leading their own lives. A stronger sense of sovereignty and independence is clearer as I see this healing journey of others intensifying. I feel this also for myself as I too transition into a new phase of leadership. Themes around healing masculinity, honouring femininity, and strengthening our process of individuation. I feel and see an increase in our driving force towards the actualisation of our desires, with more clarity, ambition and purposeful action. Our sexual primordial nature is being highlighted also, our desire for sex and pleasure becoming more prominent. We can channel this into creative endeavours, this I am seeing a lot of in my circle. We can channel it into deeper levels of surrender and intimacy with our loved ones, or into physical exercise that can significantly charge us in beating personal records or pbs.

Jupiters expansive touch on Chiron, which peaks March 12th and will continue till mid March, is what’s gravitating our awareness towards these themes. Astroid Vesta, who’s associated with the Vesta Virgins - Virgin meaning a sovereign and self-autonomous woman is also conjunct Jupiter and Chiron on the 12th. This brings an element of sexual healing and healing that is in service to others. Ie, wanting to be the best we can for another, out of pure love. She also carries an added layer of autonomy as it moves through the autonomous sign of Aries. Our individuality is our path to wholeness. The deeper our understanding of ourselves and the stronger our inner connection, the closer we are to source, to god, the universe, spirit. Our individuality is the expression of IT. Our intimate and sexual nature, is a quintessential part of our individuality.