Aquarius New Moon Squaring Uranus - 09/02/2024

The Aquarius Energy is really starting to come in now and progressively. Pluto obviously entered Aquarius on the 21st of Jan which has ushered in a new era, a new version of life and way of being but there are other cycles that we are still closing.

Last lunar cycle was in Capricorn conjunct Pluto on the 11th of January. That captured the themes of these past 4 weeks which has still been destructive and uncomfortable. Things are still falling away for us, cycles are still closing, nothing has been rebuilt yet although out attention been turning in the direction of something new and improved. But the dust has not settled yet. Our new resources are not fully available, but this upcoming New Moon is spring boarding us into this next progressive cycle.

This new moon is on February 9th at 20° Aquarius, ruled by Uranus and squaring Uranus that recently stationed direct on Jan 27th.

This lunar cycle, Feb 9th to March 10th, will really show us what Pluto in Aquarius means. We are about to get some concrete manifestations of Aquarius which will continue to unravel for the next 20 years. This will be seen globally and for you personally, which in your birth chart is reflected by the house in which this new moon is in and what aspects it is making to your natal planets. I have an introductory offer on a new type of reading where we explore your next lunar cycle, there are birthchart readings and 2024 readings also if those interest you.

There is a lot of focus on building and creating. With Venus and Mars, rulers of the nodes in Aries and Libra are travelling through Capricorn, the focus has been on making money, building something, desiring freedom and sovereignty, strengthening and building relationship(s). But moving through Capricorn is thick, its gruelling, its tiring and takes dedication and perseverance. It’s the building of the foundations. A necessary process that tends to be less exciting unless youre a Saturian or Capricornian person.

But Mars enters Aquarius on the 13th, conjuncting Pluto, beginning a new aquarian synodic cycle

Venus enters Aquarius on the 16th, conjuncting Pluto, beginning a new aquarian cycle

Venus conjuncts Mars on the 22nd in Aquarius, beginning a new aquarian cycle

Theres been a lot of focus on building or working towards something, but these cycles have been needing to end first before we can really bring in that ‘new’ life.

This can feel uncomfortable as we know we are ready for something new. We have outgrown our current ways of being, this way we are living doesn’t fit anymore. You are becoming more, and this Aquarius new Lunar cycle will be ushering in the new

Jupiter Conjuncts Chiron & Vesta 14° Aries

We are going through a wave of healing right now.

Around me, I am witnessing others falling more in love with themselves and initiating/pioneering or leading their own lives. A stronger sense of sovereignty and independence is clearer as I see this healing journey of others intensifying. I feel this also for myself as I too transition into a new phase of leadership. Themes around healing masculinity, honouring femininity, and strengthening our process of individuation. I feel and see an increase in our driving force towards the actualisation of our desires, with more clarity, ambition and purposeful action. Our sexual primordial nature is being highlighted also, our desire for sex and pleasure becoming more prominent. We can channel this into creative endeavours, this I am seeing a lot of in my circle. We can channel it into deeper levels of surrender and intimacy with our loved ones, or into physical exercise that can significantly charge us in beating personal records or pbs.

Jupiters expansive touch on Chiron, which peaks March 12th and will continue till mid March, is what’s gravitating our awareness towards these themes. Astroid Vesta, who’s associated with the Vesta Virgins - Virgin meaning a sovereign and self-autonomous woman is also conjunct Jupiter and Chiron on the 12th. This brings an element of sexual healing and healing that is in service to others. Ie, wanting to be the best we can for another, out of pure love. She also carries an added layer of autonomy as it moves through the autonomous sign of Aries. Our individuality is our path to wholeness. The deeper our understanding of ourselves and the stronger our inner connection, the closer we are to source, to god, the universe, spirit. Our individuality is the expression of IT. Our intimate and sexual nature, is a quintessential part of our individuality.

Virgo Full Moon and March Astrological Breakdown

A very powerful month ahead as some of the biggest astrological players ingress into their new homes. Following the day of this cringey and overly perfectionist virgo full moon, Saturn will finish its 2.5 year journey through Aquarius and enter Pisces. Saturns entrance into Aquarius on March 22nd 2020 was signified with the announcement of Lockdown, which in the UK happened the very next day on the 23rd. Saturn entering Pisces will offer a noticeable shift in our psyche as it enters into a mutable water sign. Uncertainty is definitely on the cards but so is a deeper level of surrender to something more divine. Increased flexibility, adaptability, more options and new unseen paths. Finding the holy in melancholy and embracing melancholy as a dreamy, restful and imaginative gift that offers form to the formless. Spirituality will be taking new forms, new structures and our connection with Spirit will be gaining with increased clarity. Saturns entrance into Pisces marks the end of a significant time in our collective that carried great levels of distress, confusion and disorder. This transit, paired with Plutos move into Aquarius (more down below on this) will be feeding into another exciting level of collective awakening.

Plenty of healing has been taking place as Venus, Jupiter and Vesta blend with Chiron in Aries. We have been seeing our wounding more clearly and where we need to honour ourselves, our desires and our need for autonomy. Our woundings will come more to the forefront of our awareness over this month as Jupiter passes over Chiron - this full moon offers some beautiful luminosity upon our need to be perfect and ideal, and our overly critical self. Where are we wounded in our expectation of perfection? And where do we need to be real with ourselves and admit that we got some some healing to do? This Virgo full moon at 16°, peaking at 12:40pm March 7th, is asking us to strengthen our path of healing and transformation, to take responsibility for our lives and make the changes necessary so we may truly be of service. Where are we projecting? Where are we caught in our own disillusionment? It’s time to sharpen ourselves because we are about to get springboard baby, get ready for the jet fuel.

Ironically and auspiciously, Pluto will enter Aquarius on March 23rd this year for the first time since 1777, a renowned time of revolution and “progress”. Pluto will be in Aquarius for a few months before retrograding back into Capricorn, this will give us a small taster of what is to come when Pluto lands in Aquarius fully in November 2024. Plutos movement through Aquarius until it’s leave in 2040 will catalyse evolutionary change in ways we’ve never imagined. Extraterrestrial relationships, rapid scientific advancement, the rising of technology and AI at accelerated rates, humanitarian efforts and sovereignty, focused community growth and the rise of the people. All these are highlighted themes we can already begin to see leaking through as Plutos waves ripple through space time. Aquarius is all about progress, innovation, eccentricity, science, technology, humanitarianism and breakthroughs. Folks this will be a gnarly ride and it’s imperative to remember our ancestral wisdom, our earthly roots and the interconnected of all life that leans on each other. However do not fear change and progress for this time can birth an ethereal knowing.

When Pluto makes its first move into Aquarius on March 23rd, it’ll make a square to the moons nodes in Scorpio and Taurus. This is known as a “Karmic Choice Point”. Once again folks this is a profound time of change and there is more synchronistic madness to come with this next Aries New Moon on March 21st, I will write more about this in time. The moons nodes play a large part in our collective evolution and Pluto is no small player. The planet of death, rebirth and transformation will be leading us on an expedition of alchemical transgression. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Get ready for increasing synchronicity and communication instantaneously straight from source.

Remember that these transits are not deterministic, we get to choose which octave these patterns take. This is the dance of fate and free will. Open the heart, love thy neighbour, remain humble and filled with curiosity and awe. Ravel in the grandiose mystery that is life unfolding. There’s no need for overwhelm or fear, just presence and observation. Do not judge, do not cast your projections of good, bad, right or wrong upon the cosmos. Allow all to wash way and be purified under this Virgoan lunar luminosity. This is the dance of the spheres.

Go gently and kindly my friends.